Apex Lecture Series presents Story and Song: The Ballad and Its History

APRIL 06, 2023

ASUMH invites the public to attend an Apex studentpresentation entitled Story and Song: The Ballad and Its History on April 25. The presentation will beheld at noon and 6:00 p.m. and is free with no reservations required.  Sam Adams, a student at ASUMHpursuing Biology, will give a lecture sharing the lineage of the ballad fromthe progression of European origins to American soil, giving examples of stepsin its evolution, showcasing the ballad in the modern world, and discussing thecultural importance of the ballad. He will also be giving a live performance ofsome iconic ballads of contemporary America. Sam has worked with Mr. MichaelThomas, ASUMH composition and literature instructor and a poet himself, on thisproject. Sam will give insight into the ballad style, allowing those who wishto enrich their musical knowledge a chance to learn more about a part ofAmerican culture as well as introducing the ballad to those unaccustomed. Hewishes to spread more awareness of the musical arts and the importance of musicin all lives. The Apex Project encourages student scholarship beyond theclassroom that is facilitated by a faculty mentor.



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