Book Vouchers

For Pre-Approval of Book Vouchers
To be pre-approved for a book voucher you must complete these steps:
1. Contact your academic advisor and register for classes during early registration.
2. Be awarded and eligible for enough aid from the ASUMH Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid to pay more than your tuition charges.
3. For students receiving Direct Stafford Loans, you should have already completed a Master Promissory Note ( and Entrance Counseling ( must be completed online at at least once for ASU – Mountain Home.
All notification emails are sent to the ASUMH student email accounts only. The title of any pre-approved email will be "Book Voucher Approved". Book Voucher notifications are typically available on Tuesday in the week precending when the semester starts and continues through the end of the second week of classes. Any questions regarding book vouchers can be sent to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid on the third floor of Roller Hall.
NOTE: Some health science programs are not offered book vouchers because their textbooks are provided by the program and charged directly to their student accont.