School of Business & Technology
Marine Manufacturing

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About This Program

North Central Arkansas has a rich heritage in the manufacture of fiberglass boats dating back to the 1960s. There are an estimated 2,000 boat manufacturing jobs in the 120-mile radius around Mountain Home, Arkansas.  Demand for skilled employees in this industry is 31% higher than the national average for an area this size. The financial impact of these employers is vital to the region and adequate training is necessary to retain and employ current and future workers. 

Arkansas State University Mountain Home has responded to this need with the launch of its Marine Manufacturing program. This one-of-its-kind program addresses the needs of local industry by integrating basic tools, electrical, gel coat application, masking, and open and closed molded lamination into the manufacturing of boats and other composite based products. The skills taught in this program also apply to automotive, aviation, and other industries.

MASKING Introduces the methods of masking molds.  Different types of masking (pin stripe tape, fill in tape, cover tape) and how they are applied is presented. Safety practices incorporating OSHA standards is emphasized. 

GEL COATING Introduces gel coating, what it is, and how to apply it in the workplace. Also includes how to handle, set up, and maintain gel coat equipment. The difference in poly flake and solid gel coat finishes are introduced. Skills in spraying Gel Coat on molds to meet quality standards are practiced.

CLOSED MOLDING LAMINATION Introduces hand laying and properly tucking fiberglass on a gel coated mold for resin infusion.  Students also learn how to properly apply bag to mold to infuse resin into fiberglass to build a quality part. Different types of fluid pumps (Injection Machine and Resin Pumps) are introduced. 

OPEN MOLDING LAMINATION Introduces different methods of lamination such as hand lay, wet out, and chopping. The student practices operating and maintaining chopping gun and wet out systems. The fundamentals of chopping and spray patterns used in applying materials are presented. 

In addition to the skills listed above, the industry is also a leading employer of welders. ASU-Mountain Home’s existing welding program covers the basics of MIG, TIG and Stick welding.  Welding on various metals is practiced but emphasis is placed on welding aluminum to meet the needs of the marine manufacturing employers. For more information on welding at ASUMH, see the Associate of Applied Science in Welding Technology.

Not ready to commit to a two-year degree?
We offer a technical certificate and certificate of proficiency in marine manufacturing that can be completed in one year or less.

Contact a Recruiter

Contact Info

Mr. Brian Bigelow
Phone:  870-508-6285

Skills Learned

Workplace safety
Mold masking
Gel coat equipment set up, operation and maintenance
Hand laying, wet out, and chopping methods of lamination
Resin infusion
Maintenance of Lamination equipment

Job Opportunities In

Fiberglass Laminator
Lamination Technician
Chopper Gun Operator
Tuition Per Credit Hour
4 Semesters
Program Duration
Credit Hours
Marine Manufacturing Specs Background Pic

Classes You'll Take

Basic Hand Tools/Safety
Gel Coating
Closed Molding Lamination
Open Molding Lamination
Transferable Degrees & Stackable Credentials
Transferrable degrees are programs of study that allow students to complete general education courses. Many students who intend to transfer to another college/university complete these degree programs.
Stackable Credentials are Technical Certificates that might be “stacked” to meet requirements for a higher-level certificate or degree program like an associate's degree.

Transferable Degrees

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Funeral Science Program Application

BIOL 1013 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology for Non-Healthcare Majors
  BIOL 2004 Human Anatomy and Physiology I & Lab
  BIOL 2014 Human Anatomy and Physiology II & Lab
CIS 1053 Computer Essentials
COMM 1203 Oral Communication
ENG 1003 Composition I
ORT 1001 First Year Experience for Funeral Science
Admission acceptance status made at application due date is contingent on final grades.
Important Disclosures about the Program and the Funeral Service Industry
I understand the program has a specific course rotation that I am required to follow each semester.
I understand that all Funeral Science Education curriculum course work must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.
I understand that I must maintain a 2.5 GPA and will only be allowed to retake courses from which I withdrew or failed in the first semester upon admission to the program.
I understand that I am responsible for any costs associated with the program, including field trips and any required visits to the Mountain Home campus.
I understand that it is my responsibility to know the licensing requirements for any state in which I intend to practice.
I understand that students who have previously been convicted of a crime may be restricted from certain clinical facilities and may be ineligible for some state licenses.
I understand that students who have a physical disability should contact the state in which he/she plans to seek licensure to determine if the disability will affect licensure.
I understand that a current driver’s license is required prior to enrolling in a clinical or practicum course.
I have read and understand the program dismissal policies contained within the Funeral Science Student Handbook.

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