Career Pathways

What is Career Pathways?

The Arkansas Career Pathways Initiative enables local two-year colleges like ASU-Mountain Home to offer free career training and college classes to those who qualify.

Who qualifies?

Those who may eligible for Career Pathways are 

  • Parents with children under age 21 living in their home

  • Families with adults and dependent children whose income is above the federal poverty limit, but less than 250% of the federal poverty limit ($53,325.00 annually for a family of three).

This program is only for residents of Arkansas.

What are the benefits?

Career Pathways participants will have access to
  • Advising to assist with career and educational decisions
  • Assistance finding jobs while in school and careers upon graduation
  • Instruction for building successful academic and employment skills
  • Computer labs for doing homework, free printing, and improving computer skills
In addition, some parents may qualify for financial aid to assist with childcare, transportation, and tuition, books, and other direct educational expenses.

How do I apply?

Simply contact our Career Pathways office and they will be happy to walk you through the application process!

Laura Yarbrough
Career Pathways Director and Vice Chancellor for Operations