Student Success Coaches

Student Success Coaches at ASUMH are employees within each academic college who are here to ensure that you have every resource possible in order to be successful in your classes. From advising to following up on students who are turned in as Early Alerts, these individuals have your best interest at heart and they are here to provide support to you!

Early Alert

One of the main ways that you might connect with a Student Success Coach is through our Early Alert program. Instructors have the ability to use our Early Alert system to let our Success Coaches know who might be needing help in their courses. For example, let's say you're doing great on your College Algebra homework and then you start failing your exams, our Student Success Coaches will reach out to you to make sure you're aware of our tutoring services. Or let's say that you've been attending every time that your Oral Communication class has met and then your instructor notices that you haven't been there in the last three classes, they might put in an Early Alert and a Student Success Coach will reach out to make sure you're doing okay. No matter what it is, these individuals are here to make sure that if you start a class, you have access to every possible resource that could help you be a great student to the very end of that class!